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Chawton Pre-School



Chawton Pre-School
Chawton Pre-School is a charity Pre-School run by a voluntary management committee. We are based in Chawton Village Hall in the center of a very historic and picturesque village. Children have access to the main hall, kitchen, toilets & enclosed outside area and the beautiful area around us. We have a vegetable garden where we grow our own fruit and vegetables, teaching our children how to grow and care for the plants. We enjoy using the nearby woods, play grounds, cafe, shop, cricket pitch and visiting Chawton House and Chawton School on a regular basis.
We accept children from 2-5 years and accept Early Years funding and tax free childcare.
We operate for 38 weeks per year, term time on Monday, Tuesday Thursday & Friday 08.30-3.00pm & Wednesday from 08.30-12.00pm.
The setting supports children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and English as an additional language. Please pop along to visit us or call 07748 868114 or email

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